Benefits Of Regular Dental Checkups
When you visit our dental office for routine exams, we will perform a comprehensive cleaning of your teeth and gums, removing any hardened plaque and evaluating your oral health. Our experienced dentist will examine your teeth for any signs of cavities, loose or broken teeth, damaged fillings, and assess your risk rate for certain diseases, which may include consideration of your family history. We will also check for any swelling, redness, or bleeding in the gums, as well as measure the depth of gingival pockets to detect gum disease. Our examination will also evaluate your bite, check for teeth grinding, examine the contact between teeth, and assess the lower jaw joints for any issues. In addition, we will examine the soft tissues in your head, mouth, and neck, including lymph nodes, for any signs of cancer or infection.
If any problems are detected, we may recommend further diagnostic testing and treatment options. It is crucial to detect oral health problems early on to provide effective and minimally invasive treatment. Using diagnostic tools such as x-rays, we can detect problems that may not be apparent in the early stages, as tooth decay is not usually obvious or painful in the initial stages. While we recommend routine checkups twice a year, certain circumstances may require more frequent visits. For instance, if you have a disease such as diabetes or heart disease, you may be at greater risk of gum disease, or if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a reduced ability to fight off infections and diseases.
Furthermore, if you regularly use tobacco or alcohol, you may be at greater risk of oral problems. Additionally, if you are taking medications that cause dry mouth, this may increase your risk of developing cavities. It is essential to inform our dentist of any medications or supplements you are currently taking during your routine checkups. You can also inform us if you are experiencing any signs of tooth sensitivity, pain, or unusual lumps. Early detection of problems is key to a successful treatment outcome.
If you would like to schedule a thorough dental cleaning and exam with our dentists and team, we welcome you to contact our office in Edina, Minnesota. Our priority is to help you maintain optimal oral health and provide you with the quality care you deserve.