Enjoy Mother’s Day With A Healthy Smile!
During this month, we honor and appreciate the efforts of our mothers and express our gratitude for everything they have done for us, including teaching us about proper oral hygiene. As a mother, it is essential to prioritize your oral health for both your own well-being and that of your family. A healthy set of teeth and gums can make you feel better and enable you to care for your loved ones. Therefore, on this Mother's Day, we encourage you to focus on your dental care needs.
Women face unique oral health challenges that require routine dental care and self-care. For instance, during the menstrual cycle, hormonal fluctuations can cause gum inflammation, bleeding, canker sores, and cold sores. Hormonal birth control methods such as shots, vaginal rings, pills, or IUD can also increase progesterone and estrogen levels, leading to sensitive and red gums. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can result in pregnancy gingivitis, which can cause gum inflammation, irritation, and bleeding. Menopause can cause estrogen levels to decrease, leading to a burning sensation in the mouth, reduced saliva flow, and increased risk of gum disease due to osteoporosis.
To prevent and manage these oral health conditions, we recommend brushing your teeth for two minutes twice daily, flossing daily, and reducing your intake of sugary snacks. Additionally, visiting your dentist every six months for dental checkups or more frequently if necessary is crucial. Pregnant women should consider more frequent dental exams and cleanings.
This Mother's Day, we urge you to celebrate and honor the hardworking and loving mothers and grandmothers in your life. Encourage them to prioritize their dental health by contacting our dental office in Edina, MN and scheduling a consultation with our team of dental experts. We are committed to helping mothers in our community achieve healthy and beautiful smiles.