Important Facts Parents Should Know About their Child’s Teeth
Important Facts Parents Should Know About their Child’s Teeth:
If you are a parent, you might be wondering when the kids should start doing proper dental care on their child's teeth. Baby teeth are vital to your child’s overall health and development. Keeping their teeth and gums clean is the easiest way to keep them healthy.
According to The American Academy of Pediatrics, all infants must receive oral health evaluation upon reaching six months of age. If the risk is higher for early dental caries, you should seek a family dental clinic for the baby as early as six months of age and no later than six months after the first tooth erupts or 12 months of age (whichever comes first). Every child should have a family dental care system established by 12 months of age.
1. Be aware of your baby's tooth development. The 20 primary teeth are already there at birth, and they usually appear between the ages of 6 months and a year. The first tooth varies from one child to another —some may not have any teeth by their first birthday, while others may have more! A 3-month-old newborn will usually begin exploring the world alongside their parents. In most cases, the first teeth to come out are almost always the lower front teeth (lower central incisors), and most children will usually have all their baby teeth by age.
Fluoride helps protect the oral health of every child. Most dentists and doctors recommend fluoride varnish to help prevent tooth decay in children because it is generally safe. A family dentist would use a minimal amount of fluoride on your child’s tooth. It is a quick application, usually brushed off after 4 to 12 hours.
Drooling, crankiness, and tears can make teething an ordeal for babies and parents alike. Many parents suspect that teething causes fever and diarrhea, but researchers say these symptoms are not indications of teething. If your baby has a rectal temperature of 100.4 F (38 C) or diarrhea, talk to the doctor immediately.
If your child's teething baby keeping you up at night, your family dentist will advise you to do the following. Rub or massage the sore gums, offer something cold like a cold spoon (NOT frozen) or try an over-the-counter remedy for occasional rough nights.
Avoid using teething gels containing benzocaine or lidocaine, homeopathic teething gels or tablets, or teething necklaces, bracelets, or anklets. These pain relievers and items pose a risk of seizures and difficulty breathing, choking, strangulation, mouth injury, and infection that can be harmful — even fatal — to your baby.
Make sure you brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Use a pea-size amount of fluoride toothpaste after the last drink or food of the day. Remember not to put your baby to bed with a bottle—it can lead to tooth decay.
Make sure you brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Use a pea-size amount of fluoride toothpaste after the last drink or food of the day. Remember not to put your baby to bed with a bottle—it can lead to tooth decay.
Make your first dental appointment when the first tooth appears. Encourage your child to make a dental visit at an early age. Kids who had positive dental experiences at first are much less likely to suffer anxiety on future dental visits. Allowing your child time to become comfortable going to the dentist is likely to shape their habits regarding tooth care throughout their lifetime. Our team in Elegant Dentistry, recommends scheduling the first dental visit at or near your baby's first birthday. A dental visit at early age should be a part of a "well-baby checkup" for the teeth.
Putting importance to early dental care early for your child’s health is a huge factor for your child’s general wellbeing. Dental care keeps teeth healthy for a lifetime.
In our Elegant Dentistry clinic, we have a patient-centered attitude that results in healthy, beautiful, long-lasting smiles! Our Edina dentists are well equipped to attend to your baby's dental care in a warm and friendly manner.
Our dental office in Edina provides our young patients with the best dentistry for children possible and making you feel part of our family of dental care patients. If you have been searching for a “children’s dentist near me” you do not have to search any longer.
For a pediatric dental check-up in Edina, book an appointment via or call (612) 800-8002.