Smile Confidently With Your Brand New Dental Implants!

Smile Confidently With Your Brand New Dental Implants!

As a result of being unable to smile due to missing teeth, has your confidence decreased? Do you feel ashamed that your mouth is missing teeth? Are you prepared to improve the quality of your life with dental implants? 

If you are prepared to improve your smile, and boost your confidence, you can talk to our friendly staff at our clinic in Edina, Minnesota. Our dentists are prepared and happy to go over various teeth replacement options for you.


The loss or damage of many Americans' teeth might be a result of the weakening of their jaw muscles if the problem is not addressed. You can have a beautiful new smile while also addressing this issue with dental implants. You can be sure that dental implants will offer you a superb look, since they also closely resemble the appearance of real teeth.

Dental implants have the following additional benefits:

Enhanced speech. You don't slur or mumble your words since your teeth don't slip.

Exceptional appearance. Similar to your natural teeth in appearance and texture, a permanent change also happens.

Better and easier to eat foods. You can eat more comfortably, thanks to dental implants. With regular dentures, you are constantly concerned with sliding and chewing issues. You can enjoy your favorite meals with confidence and no discomfort with dental implants.

Enhanced durability. Among all teeth alternatives, dental implants are more durable.

More convenience. Compared to removable dentures, dental implants are permanently intact into your jawbone. Because dental implants are attached to your jawbone, you do not require sticky adhesives.


Are you prepared to begin your journey to gaining back your confidence? Are you eager to smile more broadly and brightly? Schedule your free consultation with Dr. Bashar at our clinic in Edina, Minnesota