Things To Know About Invisalign
It is no surprise that Invisalign has helped a lot of people in Edina Minnesota, in discreetly straightening their teeth. Although clear aligners take time to work, they do have numerous dental advantages. When deciding to use Invisalign instead of traditional braces, there are a few things you should know and prepare for.
To make the process of straightening your teeth go more smoothly, take a moment to increase your grasp on how to work with this kind of teeth aligners.
Dietary Habits
When using your Invisalign trays, you'll definitely want to be more conscious of your dietary habits. You still need to pay attention to what you eat, even though you aren't as constrained or limited in what foods you can and can't consume as you would be if you were wearing traditional braces. This is partly because there's a chance that food particles and germs could lodge within your aligners, resulting in plaque and tartar build-up, which will eventually cause cavities and other serious dental issues.
Speech Problems
At first, while wearing their Invisalign aligners, most patients may regrettably stutter. This is because your mouth is still adjusting to the aligners constantly being inside your mouth. It can be a little uncomfortable for some people to experience this, but eventually you will gradually get used to it and the stutter disappears.
Move at Your Pace Behavior
Patients appreciate that Invisalign aligners may be taken out unlike fixed-position braces, this option makes them feel more in control of their oral health. Despite the fact that this can be seen as a plus, it also interferes with your tooth alignment and fosters a "move at your own pace" attitude. The drawback to this, is that the more frequent you remove your aligners, the longer it will take for you to finish the treatment. Therefore, you must consider how long you intend to use the Invisalign aligners.
For more information, call us today!
Dr. Bashar at Elegant Dental provides Invisalign as a fantastic tooth-straightening alternative. To learn more about this treatment, get in touch with our clinic in Edina, Minnesota. Call us at (612) 800-8002.