What to Expect After Getting a Dental Implant

What to Expect After Getting a Dental Implant

Dental implants are a popular choice for individuals seeking to improve their oral health and enhance their smiles. Compared to traditional dental treatments like dentures, dental implants provide a more permanent solution with a natural appearance. Moreover, these implants require no special maintenance and can be cleaned just like natural teeth. Additionally, dental implants can contribute to improved oral health by preventing bone loss in the jawbone.


For some, the thought of getting dental implants may be accompanied by dental anxiety due to potential pain during the procedure. It is important to understand that discomfort following surgery may occur and vary from person to person. However, consulting with a dentist in Edina, MN about options for dental sedation and expectations for pain can help alleviate concerns.

Despite any concerns, dental implant surgery is one of the most successful and common procedures performed in hospitals today. Dental implants offer a stable and secure replacement tooth that is long-lasting, reducing the need for future dental procedures.


If considering dental implants, it is recommended to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bashar, DDS in our Edina, MN clinic. Dr. Bashar's expertise and guidance can help individuals achieve a beautiful and healthy smile.