Wondering about the discomfort level of getting dental implants in Edina, MN?
Do you have a low threshold for pain and is hesitant to repair your damaged teeth due to concerns about discomfort? Have you been exposed to unsettling anecdotes about the discomfort associated with dental implants?
It should be noted that every individual's experience with dental implants can differ, and it is possible that you may or may not encounter pain during the procedure. A dental practitioner in Edina, MN can assist you in understanding what to anticipate during your dental implant operation.
Typically, dental implant surgery is performed under dental sedation, local anesthesia, or general anesthesia, which means that you should not feel any discomfort during the procedure.
Following the surgery, some discomfort and pain may arise, which can last for several days, but it can often be treated with medication. If your pain lasts longer than a few days or worsens, your dental team can recommend the best course of action. Symptoms of post-surgical pain following dental implant surgery may include:
- Bleeding at the surgical site
- Swelling of the gums and face
- Slight bruising
- Jaw pain
After the dental implant surgery is completed, the oral surgeon will provide you with a comprehensive aftercare regimen, including but not limited to:
- Pain relievers, which can be purchased over-the-counter or prescribed
- Avoiding hard or sticky foods as much as possible
- Reducing swelling with ice packs
- Resting on the day of the procedure and potentially a few days after, depending on how you feel
- Care site instructions for surgery
After reading this article and realizing that the discomfort associated with dental implants is not as dreadful as previously thought, are you prepared to begin your journey today and get your dental implants? Are you ready to smile confidently like never before?
Contact our dental practitioner, Dr. Bashar, DDS, at our Edina, Minnesota clinic to schedule your consultation and start your journey to regain your confidence and smile!